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This Information Tidbits Of My Week, Read Now

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This Information Tidbits Of My Week, Read Now

I stayed up and finished Defending Jacob last night. I will admit that I did not see the ending coming. Kind of hit me right between the eyes. 

Those who have read this book, I'd love to maybe have a Facebook discussion of it. Anyone have a Facebook Book Review group? Maybe we need to start one. What do you think?
One person's comment this week was that reading the book was "very disturbing." I have to agree with that. 

I give Defending Jacob 5 stars because it is very intriguing and keeps you guessing till the very end.

I will probably start one of these books tonight...

Read any of these four books? If so, what did you think? Look Me In The Eye and Love Anthony are books about autism. The other two are the genre I typically read: psychological thrillers. I am drawn to these books. I like books that really make me "think."

I finished printing out Israel's citizenship study guide. It is lengthy. I doubt most of us would know many of the answers. 

I also found videos online that will help him with pronunciation. He will learn by repeating words after the person on the video.

He's been in the US about 26 years. I think it's about time he got to call himself a citizen. So I'll keep you updated on his progress.

I think I'm going to have him build a square wooden garden spot for the patio. 

Abi thinks she must jump into the big containers to do her business. And after her surgery, I really don't want her doing that. 

So if he builds a plot about a foot high, and I plant annuals and plants that don't have a deep root structure, maybe I can get her switched over there. 

Although, granted, she's stubborn as a mule.

He also fixed what's been bothering me since I moved in: my fence leaning way over into the man's yard behind me due to a tree growing so big that it's pushing it down. 

I told management instead of removing the tree, which seems to cost around $9000, the situation could easily be remedied by taking down that one section of fencing at the end. Then extending the fence into the man's yard about 2 feet, and putting the section back up. Which would give the tree a bit of room.

Israel found parts of fence sections around here and so didn't have to buy anything. A win-win for everyone. 

So this week they approved that, and it works perfect. (Why does no one ever listen to me?)

I was in the office paying my rent earlier in the week when this conversation transpired. I also told them that I had given Israel a stove to heat up his shed. But every time he turns it on, it throws the breakers. So he can't use it.

So when he isn't called upon to do something, he sits in his car with his coat on, and runs it to stay warm. I made mention of this, letting them know by my tone of voice how ridiculous this is. I was met with silence, but hopefully they will remedy this situation. 

One thing about Aspergers Syndrome that confounds me is that when it comes to, say, how to do social media, or following instructions, I often just draw a blank. Which really frustrates me. 

Seems illogical that I can go into the guts of a blog for someone, dig into the seemingly nonsensical HTML, and often figure out how to fix something. And I've never studied this kind of thing.

The brain is made up of so many elements, I can understand that one wire being crossed, for lack of a better phrase, could perhaps mess a few things up.

But understanding the premise and living with it are two different things. 

I don't like to feel stupid. I've lived with that my whole life. I've tried to work jobs that a gorilla could probably master, yet I couldn't.

Then I'd have my daughters telling me "you don't try hard enough. You don't give yourself enough credit or give it enough time." Which of course then made me feel guilty and confused.

They don't seem to understand that I could give it from now till the end of time, and I still wouldn't be able to master some of the things that are required of a person in a day-to-day job.

I wish there were more out there for adults with Aspergers.

Because generally there is something that we are very good at, if I may make that assumption or draw that conclusion. 

But then there are other things that seem easy for everyone else that merely raises a question mark in our heads.

Yet I can be in a car driving on a highway, see a billboard, and, without reading the words, know that a word is misspelled in the ad.

On another note, I have been enjoying a frozen food that I found a few weeks ago. It is called "Fishless Fish." (Seems a non-sequitur, huh?) So now I'm on a nightly ritual of either eating fishless fish or veggie burgers. 

These ritualistic nightly menus typically go on for months. It took two years for a baked potato for supper to run its course with me! Yes, I truly can eat the exact same thing, with a little variation here and there, for two years. 

Maybe I should join the circus...

Fishless fish looks like fish, but is not fishy, if you get my drift. It is made up of vegetables, etc. I eat it with tartar sauce. 

Now I'm sure you're asking yourself, or the screen in front of you, why I would want to eat fishless fish. 

I'm funny about textures. Both touching my body and touching my tongue. Meat is not high on my list of likable foods to start with. 

I also will not take a step barefoot because I don't like things touching the bottom of my feet. Like tiny bits of dirt, etc.

And when I read about you guys getting a pedi, I must say that will be one thing that I will never do. 

I don't like people touching me. But I especially don't like people touching my feet.

I don't go for manicures either. 

And when I get my hair cut, I tell them first thing not to wash my hair, not to put any sort of hair product in it, and don't dry it.

I can only tolerate their touching my hair/head for a short time. If I could figure out how to cut my own hair, I would do it. But I make a complete mess of things.

The dogs somehow managed to have to have two baths this week. They were not happy campers, as you can see by Abi's expression. 

(I tried to get a pic of Charlie, but he eluded me and kept running off. Like me, he doesn't like to have his photo taken.)

Just look at those curly ringlets! She is mad at me and has turned away.

Okay, I suppose I have expounded enough on the simple things that make up my week. 

What's on your agenda for the weekend?

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